Sponsors and Partners

SACAIR 2024 Sponsorship / Partnership Opportunities

Sponsors and Partners of SACAIR 2024

Should you be interested in sponsoring or becoming a partner of SACAIR 2024 please download a copy of the detailed Prospectus


SACAIR 2024 | Host and Platinum Partner

The University of the Free State (UFS) has a proud history as one of the oldest, most respected institutions of higher education in South Africa. It opened its doors in Bloemfontein in 1904 as the Grey University College, with six students in the Humanities. Today it is a multi-campus institution, with two diverse campuses in Bloemfontein and one in Qwaqwa in the scenic Eastern Free State, accommodating more than 40 000 students in its seven faculties, with an increasing number of international students and associates, and an ever-widening scope of active involvement in and contribution to its surrounding communities.

Through the principle of engaged scholarship, the UFS responds to societal needs, using its scholarly and professional expertise with an intentional public purpose and benefit.

It is an institution that goes all out to provide its students and staff with an outstanding university experience. Anchored in a value bedrock of Excellence, Innovation and Impact, Sustainability, Care, Social Justice, and Accountability, the institution has managed to remain steadfastly relevant in a challenging and ever-changing national higher education landscape.

Source: https://www.ufs.ac.za/about-the-ufs

SACAIR 2024 Partnership / Sponsorship Opportunities

Should you be interested in sponsoring the conference please download a copy of the detailed Sponsorship Prospectus


We offer various ways in which your company can become a part of SACAIR2024. If you decide to support the conference, you can benefit from different levels of prominence, depending on your level of contribution. 

The sponsorship/partnership packages are a guideline and any of the packages can be customised to suit your organisation or company’s requirements. Should you be interested in sponsoring any of these aspects of the conference, or any other not mentioned here, please contact the SACAIR2024 Organising Co-chair, Prof  Herkulaas Combrink, CombrinkHM@ufs.ac.za or Prof Katinka de Wet at DewetK@ufs.ac.za or the Conference Organiser Renée le Roux at rleroux@mongoose.co.za

SACAIR 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities
