Accommodation |Transport | Dining

Bloemfontein | Accommodation | Transport | Dining

Conference Venue

The SACAIR2024 Conference will be held on the UFS Bloemfontein Campus in the Engineering Sciences Building and lunch will be served in the Centenary Complex.

Attendees will be able to access campus from any of the access gates. Security will be provided with a list of attendees.

Ample parking is available on campus in front of the Engineering Sciences Building

Getting around in Bloemfontein

Winona Shuttle & Tour Services:<b
Cellphone & Whatsapp Bookings:
+27 (0)73 178 1800 or (0)71 892 8999

Zeus Shuttles and Coaches for pre-booked transfers. or  Tel: 051 430 6451

Alternatively, we recommend vehicle hire. Vehicles can be hired from various agencies that have representative offices at the Bram Fischer Airport.

Accommodation on the UFS Campus

(Please note that accommodation on the UFS campus in a residence will be made available. We will advise by 16 September which residence has been made available to attendees. Attendees will be able to reserve and pay for accommodation via the registration site)

We have listed several accommodation options within a 3 km radius of the UFS Campus. (We have also listed other accommodation search and booking sites)

(Not all accommodation options offer meals)

Meals, Restaurants and Shops

During the SACAIR conference the following meals and snacks are included in the conference, daily:

  • Arrival tea /coffee / juice and snacks
  • Mid-morning tea/coffee/ juice and snacks
  • Buffet lunch with a cold drink | tea  | coffee
  • Mid-afternoon tea/coffee/juice and snacks
  • An optional conference dinner is planned for Wednesday, 4 December 2024

There are many restaurants and shopping options in Bloemfontein and around the UFS campus. In addition you may wish to visit Mimosa Mall or the Loch Logan Waterfront, offering a host of shops and restaurants. 

Uber Eats and Mr Delivery operate throughout Bloemfontein.

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